Power Business Success in a Data-Centric World

Foster innovation in data science, AI, and machine learning with collaborative data and advanced models.
Habu for data scientists

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Data Assets

Habu transforms the way organizations approach data science by dramatically simplifying access to and analysis of data from multiple sources. With a broad range of cloud providers and state-of-the-art tools and packages to work with, data scientists can support diverse partners and advanced use cases.

Collaboration Flexibility

Access valuable data that you would not be able to obtain without a clean room solution.

AI & Machine Learning

Accelerate collaborative data science initiatives with three advanced features unique to Habu.

DataOps at Scale

Accommodate more data, business users, and external partners, while safeguarding sensitive data.

Collaboration Flexibility

Data science teams enable organizations to extract actionable insights from vast amounts of data to optimize business processes, enhance customer experiences, identify new opportunities, and ultimately gain a competitive advantage.

Habu gives data science teams the power to meet data-centric objectives and maximize the use of large datasets from multiple partners. Habu’s cloud interoperability makes it possible to analyze data across numerous sources, facilitating seamless access and collaboration.


Discover More Data

Uncover new third-party data sources and match them to first-party data to improve model fidelity and training.

Minimize Data Movement

Connect to data at its source to reduce latency, complexity, and the risk of data leakage.

Expand Inference Options

Draw inferences from collaborative data using a pre-trained machine learning model.

DataOps at Scale

As data science needs grow, it’s important to minimize the addition of overhead and complexity, and ensure you abide by ever-evolving data protection and privacy regulations.

Habu’s automation and orchestration capabilities let you easily work with many clean rooms at scale — and add more as needed. Capitalize on best practices for data ingestion, encryption, and secure processing, plus advanced privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs), to protect data, models, and personal identifiable information (PII).

Visualize Data

Analyze first-party and collaborative data with built-in, enterprise-grade BI tools.

Protect Sensitive Data

Process workloads inside a trusted execution environment backed by confidential computing.

Democratize Data Science

Easily create new questions and models for other business users to consume.

AI & Machine Learning

Our industry-leading data collaboration capabilities are perfect for the needs of forward-looking data science teams. To support advanced initiatives, our solution includes features designed specifically to accelerate collaborative data science. Leverage data in combination with state-of-the-art packages and libraries for machine learning and deep learning use cases, including image recognition, fraud detection, and other advanced applications where you need to extract deeper insights from data. Plus, partners can share training data and machine learning models without ever having to disclose the underlying data or algorithms.
AI and machine learning


Train a model on collaborative data or run inference through a pre-trained model provided by you or a partner.

Question Builder

Write your own queries and templatize them for re-use across multiple clean rooms, organizations, and accounts.


Run any containerized code in a secure environment to expand your options and use cases.
Customer Success

Collaborative Data Drives Agile Experimentation

Bottle images on conveyor belt

A global CPG company used Habu data clean room software to embrace new use cases, technologies, and partners. Their data science team:

  1. Used Habu’s interoperability to easily tap into large walled garden clean rooms — Facebook, Amazon, and Google — and dramatically expand their access to data.
  2. Connected to retail partners around the world to enrich their first-party data, improve ad performance, and increase marketing ROI.
  3. Launched a large, cross-platform optimization project with Habu to improve their supply chain, product manufacturing, and more.

The result? The company, which operates diverse consumer product brands in markets around the world, dramatically improved access to data, leading to unprecedented marketing efficiency.

Ready to maximize what you can do with your data?